Frankfurt, Germany- Just months after a massive tsunami tore through their country; Japan’s women soccer team won the FIFA World Cup against U.S.A. Just months after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the shores of the Gulf of Mexico and New Orleans, The New Orleans Saints defeated the Indianapolis Colts in the 2010 Super Bowl. Just months after Cyclone Yasi roared into the Queensland coast, Australia is coming close to winning the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

Is it coincidence that professional sports teams of countries that have suffered from natural disasters recently are more likely to win tournaments? Many sports analysts think not.

ESPN sports analyst Stone Rob explained. “The correlation between countries that are torn apart by natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes is evident”, Rob said. “If you find yourself doing some online betting or putting a few bucks on a Super Bowl square at work, make sure you always go for the team that was most recently crapped on by Mother Nature; your odds of winning will be that much greater!”

Womens soccer World Cup losers, U.S.A. coach Tammy Jolly commented in regards to this phenomenon. “Japan had an unfair advantage in the World Cup because they were just hit by a hurricane”, said Jolly. “If the US had been annihilated by something of similar size recently, maybe we could say it was an even playing field. Sadly, this was not the case.”

Sports teams that hope to win professional sports tournaments against rival teams recently hit by natural disasters need to prepare. Jacksonville Jaguars coach, Jack del Rio, explained to us what his team is doing to prepare to win the next Super Bowl.

“The Jaguars have never won a Super Bowl in the history of professional football”, del Rio explained. “But this year, we’re hoping to get some better luck. Hopefully, a hurricane will hit Florida soon, and we’re actually located in a very optimum spot for a natural disaster of immense magnitude to occur. If for whatever reason this doesn’t happen, we always have Plan B of lighting the city on fire and letting it burn for awhile.”

Jaguars management has come together and stated that “there is no doubt that they will come home Super Bowl champs this year.”

In 1974, the Haiti soccer team made one appearance at the FIFA World Cup, but were beaten convincingly during the qualifying stages. Since it wasn’t too long ago that Hurricane Tomas swiped their country, Haiti figures they have a pretty good chance of winning and plan to re-enroll in the World Cup next year.

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